Who we are

Our specialists are devoted to the diagnosis and treatment of major vision disorders. At the Studio Italiano di Oftalmologia you will find the excellence for laser vision correction, cataract surgery and management of keratoconus.
Lucia Ziccardi

Dr.ssa Lucia Ziccardi

Specialist in Ophthalmology
Book a visit

348 732 69 43

Dr. Sebastiano Serrao

Dr. Sebastiano Serrao

Specialist in Ophthalmology and Eye Surgery
Book a visit

380 333 11 00

Dr. Marco Lombardo

Specialist in Ophthalmology and Eye Surgery
Book a visit

331 34 38 300


Studio Italiano di Oftalmologia

We offer state-of-the-art equipment to detect vision disorders. At Studio Italiano di Oftalmologia you will find the latest generation tools for the diagnosis of retinal diseases and of the optic nerve. Monitoring of treatment efficacy of corneal diseases and ocular surface disorders makes use of advanced technologies in our Center.


What we do

Our specialists take care of visual disturbances caused by ocular surface diseases, corneal diseases, cataract and retinal diseases. We offer pediatric ophthalmology service for the treatment of the most frequent visual disorders in children. We also provide legal ophthalmology service.
Chirurgia della cataratta Il trattamento chirurgico della cataratta viene effettuato con le tecniche e la strumentazione più avanzata, in anestesia topica ed in regime ambulatoriale.

Cataract Surgery

The surgical treatment of the cataract is performed with the most advanced techniques and instrumentation.
Correzione laser della vista

Laser vision correction

The most effective and safe techniques for laser vision correction and to eliminate the need for glasses.
Cross-linking corneale del cheratocono

Cross-linking corneale del cheratocono

We are among the leading experts in the treatment of keratoconus and corneal cross-linking.
Oftalmologia pediatrica

Pediatric Ophthalmology

Dedicated ophthalmology service for children.
Oftalmologia legale

Legal Ophthalmology

Assessment of biological damage in insurance, civil law and criminal matters.
Occhio secco

Dry Eye

Diagnosis and computerized monitoring of dry eye therapy.
Retinopatie e maculopatie

Retinal diseases

Treatment of retinal diseases and age-related macular degeneration.


Diagnosis, treatment and computerized monitoring of glaucoma.
Genetica oftalmica

Eye genetics

Genetic counseling service for corneal dystrophies and hereditary retinal dystrophies.


Training Courses

At the Studio Italiano di Oftalmologia, we organize training courses and seminars on topics related to legal ophthalmology, treatment of ocular surface disorders, laser vision correction and corneal cross-linking for keratoconus. All specialists interested in these topics are welcome to Studio Italiano di Oftalmologia. For more information contact us at info@sioroma.it.


Come to visit us

The Studio Italiano di Oftalmologia is always open for emergencies.

Where we are

via Livenza, 3
00198 Roma (3rd floor)
Monday to Friday  9.30 am – 7.00 pm
To book a visit, contact our staff